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"Cross/nil" and "Sea-battle", reliable and proven games on a piece of paper, are a good distraction. Now, let us introduce to you a new one – a table-game "Oflameron". The game is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. The number of combinations here is greater than the case is with chess – the game-table length is unlimited in principle. [ Details ::] See game form in MS Word format. Paper size A4 or A3.
Game Algorithm  To start the game, each of the participants should place any MARKER (any selected symbol – a x-"cross", a 0-"nil", etc.) with a pen in the lower line of the table, in any box, of the form. After than, each player throws the game-cube (dice) and moves his or her marker (draws it again) to the NEXT UPPER LINE, by shifting it TO THE RIGHT or TO THE LEFT by such number of boxes as fell on the cube. You choose the directions of shifting the marker (to the rights or to the left) yourself, depending on what is advantageous for you. Each time you draw your marker in a box you should add the value indicated therein to your account. To facilitate your maintenance of such account, there are two |Count| columns in the form, which are empty cells. [-1,-5,-10,-15,-25] - deduct the indicated points from your account. [1,5,10,15,25] - add the indicated points to your account. [B] - deducts 200 points from your account. [P] - adds 100 points to your account. [T] - adds 500 points to your account. [Z] - zeroes your account. [X] - add enother game marker. Deduct 500 points. [END] - ends the game. Download: Game table game-form-15.zip MS Word format A4 Game table game-form-16.zip MS Word format A4 Game table game-form-17.zip MS Word format A4 Game table game-form-19.zip MS Word format A4 |
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Game rules The game rules are quite easy – one can learn to play in a few minutes. However, the game not as simple as might seem. You should try to increase your account. Each of your steps leads to the marker going one level up. The number of moves to the right/left is determined by values that fell on the game-cube. What should I think over here? Deduction, addition, and prize boxes are distributed unevenly: forecast your moves on the basis of density that some or other values in boxes are distributed with. Moreover, one can use the game-cube of 1-3 range (instead of 1-6), which will allow you to better predict strategic implications of your moves. 
Example. During the game, the number of boxes in the direction you chose may turn out to be less than the figure that fell on the game-cube. In this case, you make the missing moves on the opposite side of the level |Level|. As an example, shifting is made by 3 boxes to the left on the figure.
The Goal The goal of the game is to get as many points as possible, i.e. to maximize one’s account. Before the game begins, conditions of ending the game must be stipulated. The game may be over when all levels on one form have been passed. But in principle, there are no limits on the game duration, and you can continue the contest by attaching the next form to the top of the previous one. The game may be over when a player gets any earlier specified number of points. The standard end of the game is when one of the markers gets in the [END]-marked box. Of course, it is advantageous to end the game deliberately when your account is well over that of your adversary you can end the game forcedly and get your prize. |
If there is no color printer The form is intended for color printing. Download the file in MS Word and print out 1 page on a color printer. Do not be distressed if you have no color printer. Colors of the form were selected so that its “black and white” copy will be also good (print it with the maximum number of grey shades). A "black and white" form can be reproduced more easily. Why One Form Should Be Reproduced?
When you start a game you chose where to put your marker on the lower level – it is your right. Any further moves depend on the number of points that fell on your game-cube. So, even playing on several identical forms several times, you will play different games. Please remember to download new game forms that will be available on this site later as soon as they have been developed. |
By clicking on the "download" links, downloading archives, or using this game, you are consenting to be bound by this agreement. If You do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, do not download or use the game "Oflameron". You can freely change design of cards, manuals and markers; place and distribute them as any source of information, in any appearance; create and distribute software, Clip Art; use game in commercial objectives (for getting the profit) but only on the following conditions: - the name of the game, game algorithm and the face values of cards should be kept; - the game should contain the following text without changes: " © by Valery V SHmeleff / Moscow,Russia 1996-2004 http://www.oflameron.ru "; - the author should be notified about the use of his game by letter in English by e-mail  All trademarks and commercial labels which are placed on the www.oflameron.ru site, and do not represent the Project's property are protected by the property rights of their owners. All rights reserved. Warning: This game is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Non-observance of the copyrights (c) may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Copyright (c) by Valery V Shmeleff Moscow/Russia 1996 - 2009 www.oflameron.ru |
Registered in Russian Federation RIPN 30 Nov 2001 |