Hand made game for foreign language learning. Free download, free playing


Foreign language free

  Hand made game
  Free download
  Hand made game
  Language learning

    Board game Oflameron specifically designed for memorizing foreign words. To play are not tired, developed several versions of the game Oflameron, which differ in the design, but have almost the same rules.
    You can download and print everything you need to play. If this is not possible, you can make a game out of any paper in 15 minutes.
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    Foreign language
  Free download      Learn free  
The rules of the game - see link ON ENGLISH. The same can simply draw on a sheet of paper or cardboard.
    The game Oflameron has many different variants with similar rules
    Learning games
    (c) by Valery V Shmeleff
    #learn #foreign #language

Learn language free

Download free, print and play paper game for learn foreign language free. Hand made game