The proton cannon and other technical achievements can be effectively used not only for military purposes, but also in the Wiki scenario of the movie, cartoon or comic book. It is only necessary to carefully and correctly take into account its technical parameters, to use the correct terminology.
A wiki scenario is a scenario that any user can write. You just create new episodes with famous heroes. You can write any number of episodes. This scenario uses advanced technical and scientific advances. Scientific projects are as close as possible to the reader in order to increase interest in science in society.
The scenario is based on Jett's surviving diaries. Jett is the main character in the scenario. Jett spent many years in scientific research and technical projects, and developed cyber robots for landing missions. The Central Command drew attention to the unusual properties of planet Oflameron and several times tried to send landing missions there. All missions failed. Then it was decided to use the advanced achievements and experimental designs of the Jett laboratory.
Read scenario desant_2020.pdf >> - Russian source text
This is just the beginning of the scenario. You can write any number of episodes yourself, publish in any way and save the copyright to the created content.
The source text is written in the form of a Word document in Russian. You can write episodes in any language, translate texts into other languages, create illustrations.
Each episode must have a unique number of numbers and letters. The length of the episodes, the theme, the characters, the scene and the plot you choose yourself. If you create your own theme for episodes, you can write a lot of text, many episodes.
The scenario source code is written very simply. Such text is easily translated into foreign languages. The translator may indicate his copyright in the translated text. A large number of episodes, themes and plots allow you to choose the most interesting documents for the film adaptation of the work. You can publish the work in its entirety, in fragments, in any format, on any resources. You can create real Wiki sites for publicly editing texts.
The first script was written in 1994 for a university student. It was a small term paper. Then for many years the text was edited, some episodes were added. When new episodes written by other authors began to appear, it was decided to create a public Wiki format.
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#protongun - Free content
Original Proton gun